Contact Svetlana Kim

“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.”
~Mother Teresa

I have enjoyed sharing my journey with you. I hope my story inspires you to savor each moment of your life, to embrace all that life has to offer, and to be forever grateful for God’s precious gift called life.

Please use this form to share your comments or inspiring stories so that it may help others improve their situations. You may also submit any questions to Svetlana Kim regarding her work or books.

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Book Svetlana

To find out more about booking
Svetlana KIm for your Upcoming Event
or Meeting, please contact

Carole Barnes
CBA Speakers Bureau

(480) 330-3918 
or email her at  [email protected]


 Literary Agent:
The Robb Company
Sherry Robb
672 South La Fayette Park Place
Suite # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90057

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