Svetlana Kim's Story Highlighted
Simon T. Bailey : Executive Advisor, Speaker, & Author
Brilliance Is A Decision
It’s Time to Disrupt Your Current Reality and…
Experience Your Shift Into Brilliance
This book is your road-map, your call to action; your opportunity to create accelerated results professionally, personally and financially.
It is time for you to turn every day into a brilliant breakthrough.
Shift Your Brilliance will teach you:
Strategies for sharpening your focus
Steps to clear your vision
Actions to harness individual and organizational potential Tools to unearth what really sets you on fire Tips on how to become a Chief Breakthrough Office
Simon T Bailey shares Svetlana’s story in his bestselling book titled “Shift Your Brilliance” on p.75. (SoundWisdom, 2014)
Click Here to read a portion of the chapter, Harness the Power of You, Inc.
Visit Simon Bailey’s Website
Bob Burg: Author and Speaker
& John David Mann
As Burg and Mann demonstrate, it’s far more productive (and satisfying) when salespeople think like Go-Givers. Cultivate a trusting relationship and focus exclusively on creating value for the other person, say the authors, and great results will follow automatically.
Here are four scanned pages from this book sharing Svetlana’s thoughts and processes on the Go-Giver philosophy. (read from left to right)